Faculty of Economics (Hiyoshi)
Associate Professor
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Mitsuda, Tatsuya
Tatsuya Mitsuda is Associate Professor at Keio University, Tokyo/Yokohama, Japan. He was educated at Keio, Bonn and Cambridge, where he completed his PhD in History. His broad research and teaching interests span the intertwined social and cultural histories of food animals and climate, with particular reference to the German and Japanese experience in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Dr Mitsuda is currently writing a book on the history of sweets and snacking in Japan and a monograph on the history of infectious animal diseases in modern Germany. Between 2022 and 2024, he was a visiting researcher at the Center for Metropolitan Studies, Technische Universität Berlin and the Freie Universität Berlin.
I am involved in the following four research projects:
1. Meat in Germany 1700-1900
2. Infectious animal diseases in Germany, 1750-1930
3. Sweets and snacking in Japan, 1850-1980
4. Imperial dimensions of meat consumption in Japan, 1890-1930
5. Comparative urban environmental histories of seasonality
My teaching spans topics close to my research field and takes place in a variety of formats, from individual supervisions to lectures with 100-200 students. Third and fourth year students - as well as overseas students - with a research interest in either food or animals are welcome to discuss with me dissertation projects.
1. Lecture: History of Food (Liberal Arts)
2. Lecture: History of Animals (Liberal Arts)
3. International Center: History of Animals in Japan (Overseas students)
4. Seminar: History of Food (English)
5. Seminar: History of Animals (English)
6. Research Seminar: History of Food (Japanese)
7. Academic Skills
8. Thesis supervision (on topics related to the history of animals or food)
Research Associate, Clare College, Cambridge
Keio University, Faculty of Economics, Assistant Professor
Bonn University, Faculty of Philosophy, History
Germany, University, Other, Master's course
Keio University, Graduate School of Economics
Graduate School, Other
Keio University, Faculty of Laws, Department of Politics
University, Graduated
Cambridge University, Faculty of History
Graduate School, Completed, Master's course
Cambridge University, Faculty of History
Graduate School, Other, Doctoral course
BA (Politics), Keio University, 2000.09
MPhil, Cambridge University, National Institution for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation, 2002.10
PhD, Cambridge University, National Institution for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation, 2007.10
Humanities & Social Sciences / Japanese history
Humanities & Social Sciences / History of Europe and America
Humanities & Social Sciences / Area studies
Modern European Social and Cultural History
Europe Japan Germany Animals Food Meat Horses Confectionary
Sharing Spaces: Technology, Mediation, and Human-Animal Relationships
Finn Arne Jørgensen, Dolly Jørgensen, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2024.10
Scope: The Protocolization of Human-Animal Relationships in Colonial Qingdao under German and Japanese Rule , Accepted
Portable Food Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery 2022
Mark McWilliams, Prospect Books, 2023.07
Scope: The Perils and Promises of Portability: Sweets and Snacks in Modernizing Japan , Contact page: 261-71 , Accepted
"Snacking, Health, Modernity: Moralizing Confections in Japan, 1890-1930", in Angela Ki Che Leung and Melissa L. Caldwell (eds), Moral Foods: The Construction of Nutrition and Health in Modern Asia
Tatsuya Mitsuda, University of Hawaii Press, 2019.09
"'Vegetarian Nationalism': Critiques of Meat Eating for Japanese Bodies, 1880-1938", in Michelle T. King (ed), Culinary Nationalism in Asia
MITSUDA Tatsuya, Bloomsbury, 2019.07
光田 達矢, 慶應義塾大学出版会, 2018.07
Scope: ペットしか見えない都市空間ができるまでー近代ヨーロッパにおける動物たちの行き(生き)場
Beyond Agriculture? The Prussian State, Farmers and the Security Costs of Horse Breeding for an Industrializing Nation in the Long Nineteenth Century
Tatsuya Mitsuda
Proposte e ricerche. Rivista di storia economica e sociale / An Italian Journal of Social and Economic History, 47 ( 92 ) 31 - 51 2024.12
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Lead author, Corresponding author, Accepted, ISSN 0392-1794
From Endurance to Escape: The Tokyo Summer as Lived Experience in the Twentieth Century
Tatsuya Mitsuda
Journal of Urban History (Sage) 2024.06
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Lead author, Accepted
Communist Pigs: An Animal History of East Germany's Rise and Fall by Thomas Fleischman (review)
Mitsuda T.
Technology and culture (Technology and culture) 63 ( 2 ) 525 - 527 2022
Consumed by Sweets: Parents, Children, and Snacking in Modern Japan
Tatsuya Mitsuda
The Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth (Johns Hopkins University Press) 14 ( 1 ) 63 - 84 2021.02
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Accepted
A comparative history of meat in Germany and Japan : production, safety, society
Mitsuda, Tatsuya
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書 2022
Eating in between : sweets and snacking in modern Japan
Mitsuda, Tatsuya
学事振興資金研究成果実績報告書 (慶應義塾大学) 2020
Mitsuda, Tatsuya
The Hiyoshi review of the humanities (慶應義塾大学日吉紀要刊行委員会) ( 34 ) 233 - 261 2019
ISSN 09117210
From Colonial Hoof to Metropolitan Table: Imperial Biopolitics and the Commodification of Korean Bovine Bodies
Tatsuya Mitsuda
Livestock as Global and Imperial Commodities: Economies, Ecologies and Knowledge Regimes, c. 1500 – present, Commodities of Empire International Workshop,
Symposium, workshop panel (public)
Towards a nation of beef eaters? Fears, tastes and the edibility of "fresh" meat in Japan, c. 1870-1930
Tatsuya Mitsuda
Making East Asian Foods: Technologies and Values, 19th - 20th Centuries, University of Hong Kong,
Mapping New Technologies of Slaughter: the ‘Model’ Abattoir in Tsingtao Under German, Japanese, and Chinese Rule, 1898-1930
Closing the Gap – How Technology Changes Spatial Relationships Between Humans and Animals (Shanghai) ,
Oral presentation (general), Nordic Centre
Bovine imperialism: Japanese livestock, the threat of animal diseases, and the supply of ‘safe’ meat and cattle in East Asia, c. 1890-1940
Animal Agriculture from the Middle East to Asia (Cambridge, MA, USA) ,
Symposium, workshop panel (public), Harvard Law School
Imposing confectionary identities in Japan, 1890-1935
Culinary Nationalism in Asia (Chapel Hill, North Carolina) ,
Oral presentation (invited, special), Department of History, University of North Carolina
The Globalization of the Livestock Trade and Animal Health in Comparative Perspective
Principal investigator
A comparative history of meat in Germany and Japan: production, safety, society
MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Principal investigator
A comparative history of meat-based societies: production, security and diet in modern Germany and Japan
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Tatsuya Mitsuda, Research grant, No Setting
Medicalization of meat in modern Germany: animals, food, veterinarians
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Principal investigator
From adults to children: the production, popularization and consumption of chocolate in Japan
Keio University, Keio Gijuku Academic Development Funds, Research grant, Principal investigator
Association for the Study of Food & Society (ASFS),
Japanese Society for Veterinary History,
Human Animal Relationship Society
Veterinary History Society
Social and Economic History Society (Japan)
オブザーバー, 味の素食の文化センター 食の文化フォーラム
評議員, 日本獣医史学会
常任理事, ヒトと動物の関係学会