大村 亮 (オオムラ リョウ)

Ohmura, Ryo



理工学部 機械工学科 (矢上)



経歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 1999年04月


  • 2000年04月


  • 2002年04月

    独立行政法人 産業技術総合研究所 研究員

  • 2006年04月


  • 2009年04月


学歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 1996年03月

    慶應義塾大学, 理工学部, 機械工学科

    大学, 卒業

  • 2000年03月

    慶應義塾大学, 理工学研究科, 機械工学専攻

    大学院, 修了, 博士

学位 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 博士(工学), 慶應義塾大学, 課程, 2000年03月


研究分野 【 表示 / 非表示

  • ものづくり技術(機械・電気電子・化学工学) / 熱工学 (Thermal Engineering)

  • ナノテク・材料 / 基礎物理化学 (Physical Chemistry)

研究キーワード 【 表示 / 非表示

  • エネルギー

  • クラスレート水和物

  • 物理化学

  • 環境

  • 結晶成長

研究テーマ 【 表示 / 非表示

  • クラスレート水和物の物理化学, 



論文 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Synthesis and evaluation of green phase change materials for efficient air conditioning by tetrabutylphosphonium phosphate ionic semiclathrate hydrate

    Iwai T., Miyamoto T., Kurokawa N., Hotta A., Ohmura R.

    Journal of Energy Storage (Journal of Energy Storage)  52 2022年08月


    A tetrabutylammonium bromide (TBAB) hydrate is the only ionic semiclathrate hydrate that has been commercialized as a medium for efficient thermal energy storage targeting general air conditioning. However, TBAB is an environmental pollutant, while liquid water and ice that have been widely used as conventional media, also have difficulty in increasing the thermal energy storage density as well as the coefficient of performance (COP) of a refrigerator to form solid. In this study, a tetrabutylphosphonium phosphate ((TBP)3PO4) hydrate was proposed as an alternative green medium. The dissociation heat and the phase equilibrium temperature, which were both crucial factors to evaluate the thermal energy storage density, and COP was experimentally determined. It was found that the maximum dissociation heat was 154.1 ± 2.0 kJ・kg−1 at the mass fraction of 0.309. The highest phase equilibrium temperature was 10.0 °C at the mass fractions of 0.290, 0.299, and 0.309. The thermal energy storage density of (TBP)3PO4 hydrates was 3.7 times larger than that of water. (TBP)3PO4 hydrates increased the COP of a refrigerator to form solid by 42% as compared with ice, indicating the potential size-reduction of conventional devices with the decrease in the power consumption of a refrigerator. The effective balance between environmental protection and the system performance through (TBP)3PO4 hydrates was also discussed.

  • Pinacol hydrate as a novel thermal energy storage medium for electric vehicles

    Kiyokawa H., Kondo Y., Koyama R., Kurokawa N., Atsushi H., Alavi S., Ota I., Ohmura R.

    Journal of Energy Storage (Journal of Energy Storage)  51 2022年07月


    Movement towards the gradual replacement of gasoline combustion vehicles to electrical vehicles is occurring on a global scale. Heat management of lithium-ion batteries (LIB) is necessary for long-term operation and safety of the power sources of electrical vehicles. This research suggests pinacol hydrate as a phase change material (PCM) for use as an alternative cooling media for LIB. The pinacol hydrate crystallizes under atmospheric pressure and temperatures around 45 °C, which are compatible with LIB operating conditions. Its dissociation enthalpy can control the excessive heating of the battery. The equilibrium phase transition temperature of pinacol hydrate was reported about a decade ago, but its thermal storage capacity has not been reported yet and updated quantitative measurements are required. Hence, in this study the equilibrium temperatures and dissociation enthalpies are experimentally measured for pinacol aqueous solutions prepared with mass fractions between 0.40 and 0.85. The maximum thermal storage capacity is measured by differential scanning calorimetry to be 301.9 kJ/kg for mass fraction of 0.50 which is compatible with operating conditions of up to 45.6 °C. A minimization of reservoir tank mass by 35% of that needed for conventional technologies may be possible by using pinacol hydrate.

  • Investigation of crystal growth of CO<inf>2</inf> hydrate in aqueous fructose solution for the potential application in carbonated solid foods

    Shigehara S., Ohmura R.

    Food Chemistry (Food Chemistry)  371 2022年03月

    ISSN  03088146


    CO2 hydrate is applicable to solid carbonated foods. The hydrate crystal morphology, which represents the crystal size and shape, is an important characteristic that changes the texture of foods. We report an observational study of the crystal growth of CO2 hydrate in aqueous fructose solution. The difference between the phase equilibrium temperature and the experimental temperature, ΔTsub, is applied as an index of the driving force. Experiments were performed at ΔTsub range of 0.9 K to 5.4 K. At all ΔTsub, initial crystal formed at the gas-solution interface and grew along the interface. After covering the interface, the crystals grew in the liquid phase The individual crystals were identified as polyhedral with facets (ΔTsub = 0.9 K), skeletal crystals (ΔTsub = 2.0 K) and dendrites (ΔTsub = 3.0 K and 5.4 K). Based on these results, the potential effect of gas hydrate morphology on texture of foods has been discussed.

  • Synthesis and thermophysical property evaluation of ionic semiclathrate hydrate formed with tetrabutylphosphonium glycine as a chilling temperature phase change material

    Miyamoto T., Kurokawa N., Ota I., Hotta A., Ohmura R.

    Journal of Energy Storage (Journal of Energy Storage)  45 2022年01月


    Ionic semiclathrate hydrate, which is formed under atmospheric pressure with sustainably safe properties, has a potential for solid-liquid phase change materials(PCMs). In this study, the thermophysical property of tetrabutylphosphonium glycine(TBPGly) hydrate containing no halogen guest compound, glycine (aminoacetic acid), was investigated to evaluate the availability as an eco-efficient thermal energy storage medium. The phase equilibrium temperature was obtained through visual observation method. The heat flow rate curve behavior and dissociation heat were measured via differential scanning calorimetry(DSC). In the dissociation process, a single hydrate dissociation peak emerged, indicating TBPGly hydrate has one type of crystallographic structure. The concentration dependency of the TBPGly aqueous solution on the equilibrium temperature and the dissociation heat was confirmed. The highest equilibrium temperature of 5.8 °C was confirmed at the fraction range wTBPGly =0.368 or xTBPGly =0.0306, and the largest dissociation heat was 177.7 kJ·kg−1 at the fraction range wTBPGly =0.377or xTBPGly =0.0318. The estimated hydration number in the congruent composition was found to be in 31.2 to 32.5. In addition, based on the measured physical property, the optimum operating temperature and volume fraction of TBPGly hydrate was evaluated to determine the concentration for the practical cooling system. These data revealed TBPGly hydrate is available as a solid or slurry PCM under the operating temperature range 2 °C to 5.8 °C. The experimental data as well as the illustrative calculations contribute to accelerate the expansion in the application range, and provide the prospect in selecting the suitable composition toward the actual hydrate-based cooling system.

  • Investigation of the thermodynamic properties of hydrates as cooling phase change materials for their implementation in electric vehicles

    Kiyokawa H., Miyamoto T., Takeya S., Ota I., Iwai T., Hotta A., Ohmura R.

    New Journal of Chemistry (New Journal of Chemistry)  2022年

    ISSN  11440546


    Electric vehicles (EVs) play key roles in realizing a sustainable society. Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) implemented in EVs deteriorate due to significant temperature changes. To maintain LIBs in an appropriate temperature range, a competitive thermal energy storage (TES) medium is needed. Phase change materials (PCMs) that can utilize their latent heat have great potential. In this study, we focused on piperazine hexahydrate as a promising candidate for a PCM and investigated its thermodynamic properties that are essential for practical design. The equilibrium temperature and dissociation enthalpy were determined in the mass fraction range of 0.250 to 0.550. The results showed that piperazine hexahydrate had a maximum equilibrium temperature of 42.9 °C and a maximum dissociation enthalpy of 250.0 ± 3.7 kJ kg−1 at a mass fraction of 0.443, which is the congruent point of piperazine hexahydrate. Piperazine hexahydrate can be utilized as a PCM in the temperature range of 34.4 °C to 42.9 °C. By utilizing piperazine hexahydrate instead of a conventional water-cooling system, the volume of the TES tank may be reduced by 31% approximately. The crystal system of the piperazine hexahydrate prepared in the present study was determined to be pseudomonoclinic by powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) measurements, which is the same as that reported in the literature.

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KOARA(リポジトリ)収録論文等 【 表示 / 非表示

研究発表 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 二酸化炭素分離に適したクラスレートハイドレートの探索と物性測定

    大村 亮



    口頭発表(招待・特別), 公益社団法人 化学工学会

  • Crystallographic structure and thermodynamic stability of clathrate hydrates formed with halogen-containing guests

    Ryo Ohmura

    2012 "Natural Gas Hydrate Systems" Gordon Research Conference (Ventura, CA) , 



  • Crystal growth of clathrate hydrates in hydrophobic-guest fluid + liquid-water systems

    Ohmura Ryo

    ACS 241st National Meeting (Anaheim, CA, USA) , 


    口頭発表(招待・特別), American Chemical Society

  • Understanding thermodynamics of clathrate hydrates toward energy/environment technology innovations

    大村 亮

    21st IUPAC International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics Conference (ICCT-2010) (Tsukuba) , 


    口頭発表(招待・特別), IUPAC

  • Phase equilibrium for clathrate hydrates formed with methane, ethane, propane or carbon dioxide at temperatures below the freezing point of water

    Keita Yasuda and Ryo Ohmura

    6th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH 2008) (Vancouver) , 



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競争的研究費の研究課題 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 海水と炭酸ガスの炭酸塩晶析反応に関する基礎研究


    受託研究費, 受託研究,  未設定

  • クラスレート水和物の結晶モルフォロジー多様性の解明


    科学研究費補助金(文部科学省・日本学術振興会), 補助金,  未設定

  • シクロペンタンハイドレートの生成特性の解明


    東京電力株式会社, 共同研究費, 共同研究契約,  未設定

  • クラスレート水和物の結晶構造多様性を利用した省エネルギー天然ガス貯蔵・輸送技術に関する研究


    NEDO, 産業技術研究助成事業, 補助金,  未設定

知的財産権等 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 構造Hクラスレート水和物の生成方法

    公開日: 特開2003-3181   

    特許権, 単独

  • 気体の分離剤及び気体を分離濃縮するための方法と装置

    公開日: 特開2003-138281   

    特許権, 単独

  • 不凍タンパク質を用いた包接化合物の生成制御法

    公開日: 特開2005-89353   

    特許権, 単独

  • トレハロースを用いた包接化合物の生成制御法

    公開日: 特開2005-89331   

    特許権, 単独

  • 新規構造H水和物

    公開日: 特願2004-355852   

    特許権, 共同

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受賞 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 日本機械学会奨励賞(研究)

    大村 亮, 2004年04月, 日本機械学会, クラスレートハイドレートに関する熱工学的研究

  • 日本機械学会奨励賞(研究)

    大村 亮, 2004年04月, クラスレートハイドレートに関する熱工学的研究

    受賞区分: 国内学会・会議・シンポジウム等の賞


担当授業科目 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 卒業研究


  • 図形情報処理


  • 熱工学


  • 分子結晶の物理化学


  • 熱力学の基礎


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社会活動 【 表示 / 非表示

  • ガスハイドレート産業創出イノベーション




  • 天然ガスハイドレート製造利用システム実証特別委員会




  • NEDO平成17年度「天然ガスハイドレート技術の国内市場への適用可能性調査」検討委員会




所属学協会 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 日本機械学会, 

  • 日本機械学会 メカライフ編集委員会, 

  • 日本機械学会熱工学部門 広報委員, 


委員歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2011年04月

    第89期熱工学部門運営委員, 日本機械学会

  • 2007年04月

    委員, 日本機械学会 メカライフ編集委員会

  • 2006年09月

    会員, ガスハイドレート産業創出イノベーション



  • 2006年08月

    委員, 天然ガスハイドレート製造利用システム実証特別委員会



  • 2005年04月

    委員, 日本機械学会熱工学部門 広報委員

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