岡 朋治 (オカ トモハル)

Oka, Tomoharu



理工学部 物理学科 (矢上)





経歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 1993年04月


  • 1996年04月


  • 1998年04月

    玉川大学非常勤講師(兼任) 集中講義「宇宙科学」担当

  • 1999年04月


  • 2005年04月

    京都大学大学院理学系研究科非常勤講師(兼任) 集中講義「星間分子雲の物理・化学過程およびその電波観測」担当

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学歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 1996年03月

    東京大学, 理学系研究科, 天文学専攻

    大学院, 修了, 博士

学位 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 博士(理学), 東京大学, 1996年03月


研究分野 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 自然科学一般 / 天文学

研究テーマ 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 銀河中心核超巨大ブラックホール形成過程の解明, 


  • 銀河系中心領域にある星間物質の観測的研究, 



著書 【 表示 / 非表示

論文 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Discovery of a molecular cloud possibly associated with the youngest Galactic SNR G1.9+0.3

    Enokiya R., Sano H., Filipović M.D., Alsaberi R.Z.E., Inoue T., Oka T.

    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan)  75 ( 5 ) 970 - 985 2023年10月

    ISSN  00046264


    The youngest known Galactic supernova remnant (SNR) G1.9+0.3 has high-velocity supernova shock beyond 10000 km s−1, and it is considered to be one of the major candidates of a PeVatron. Despite these outstanding properties, the surrounding interstellar matter of this object is poorly understood. We investigated the interstellar gas toward G1.9+0.3 using the 12CO(J = 3−2) data with the angular resolution of 15◦ obtained by the CHIMPS2 survey by the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, and discovered three individual clouds at −1, 7, and 45 km s−1. From its morphological and velocity structures, the −1 km s−1 cloud, having the largest velocity width >20 km s−1 and located at the distance of the Galactic Center, is possibly associated with the SNR. The associated cloud shows a cavity structure both in space and velocity and coincides well with the SNR. We found that the associated cloud has higher column densities toward three bright, radio synchrotron-emitted rims where the radial expansion velocity of the supernova shock is decelerated, and the cloud is faint in the other parts of the SNR. This is the first direct evidence indicating that the highly anisotropic expansion of G1.9+0.3 observed by previous studies results from the deceleration by the interaction between the supernova shock and surrounding dense interstellar medium.

  • ALMA View of the High-velocity-dispersion Compact Cloud CO 0.02-0.02 at the Galactic Center

    Iwata Y., Oka T., Takekawa S., Tsujimoto S., Enokiya R.

    Astrophysical Journal (Astrophysical Journal)  950 ( 1 )  2023年06月

    ISSN  0004637X


    We report the results of observations toward the center of the molecular cloud CO 0.02-0.02 made using the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array. The successfully obtained 1″ resolution images of CO J = 3-2, H13CN J = 4-3, H13CO+ J = 4-3, SiO J = 8-7, CH3OH J K a, K c = 71,7-61,6 A+ lines, and 900 μm continuum show several new features, which have not been identified in previous observations. The dense gas probe (H13CN, SiO, CH3OH) images are dominated by a pair of northeast-southwest elongated filaments, which may be the main body of CO 0.02-0.02. Two striped patterns perpendicular to each other (F1 and F2) and a high-velocity feature (HV), which appear in different velocity ranges, were prominent in the CO image. An emission hole that may represent an expanding feature was found in the F1 velocity range. F2 appeared to align along the western edge of a 20 pc × 13 pc ellipse (the Large Shell) identified in the single-dish CO map. The HV contains eight compact clumps at the positive high-velocity end of the CO emissions. Based on these results, we propose a formation scenario for CO 0.02-0.02; internal explosions of supernovae, external perturbations by the Large Shell, and gravitational acceleration by a less-luminous star cluster have formed CO 0.02-0.02 in its current state.

  • Discovery of the Tadpole Molecular Cloud near the Galactic Nucleus

    Kaneko M., Oka T., Yokozuka H., Enokiya R., Takekawa S., Iwata Y., Tsujimoto S.

    Astrophysical Journal (Astrophysical Journal)  942 ( 1 )  2023年01月

    ISSN  0004637X


    In this paper, we report the discovery of an isolated, peculiar compact cloud with a steep velocity gradient at 2.′6 northwest of Sgr A*. This “Tadpole” molecular cloud is unique owing to its characteristic head-tail structure in the position-velocity space. By tracing the CO J = 3-2 intensity peak in each velocity channel, we noticed that the kinematics of the Tadpole can be well reproduced by a Keplerian motion around a point-like object with a mass of 1 × 105 M ⊙. Changes in line intensity ratios along the orbit are consistent with the Keplerian orbit model. The spatial compactness of the Tadpole and absence of bright counterparts in other wavelengths indicate that the object could be an intermediate-mass black hole.

  • Catalog of High-velocity Dispersion Compact Clouds in the Central Molecular Zone of Our Galaxy

    Oka T., Uruno A., Enokiya R., Nakamura T., Yamasaki Y., Watanabe Y., Tokuyama S., Iwata Y.

    Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series (Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series)  261 ( 2 )  2022年08月

    ISSN  00670049


    This study developed an automated identification procedure for compact clouds with broad velocity widths in the spectral-line data cubes of highly crowded regions. The procedure was applied to the CO J = 3 - 2 line data, obtained using the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, to identify 184 high-velocity dispersion compact clouds (HVDCCs), which are a category of peculiar molecular clouds found in the central molecular zone of our Galaxy. A list of HVDCCs in the area -1.°4 ≤ l ≤ +2.°0, -0.°25 ≤ b ≤ +0.°25 was presented with their physical parameters, CO J = 3 - 2/J = 1 - 0 intensity ratios, and morphological classifications. Consequently, the list provides several intriguing sources that may have been driven by encounters with pointlike massive objects, local energetic events, or cloud-to-cloud collisions.

  • New Look at the Molecular Superbubble Candidate in the Galactic Center

    Tsujimoto S., Oka T., Takekawa S., Iwata Y., Uruno A., Yokozuka H., Nakagawara R., Watanabe Y., Kawakami A., Nishiyama S., Kaneko M., Kanno S., Ogawa T.

    Astrophysical Journal (Astrophysical Journal)  910 ( 1 )  2021年03月

    ISSN  0004637X


    The l = +1.3 region in the Galactic center is characterized by multiple shell-like structures and their extremely broad velocity widths. We revisit the molecular superbubble hypothesis for this region, based on high-resolution maps of CO J = 1-0, 13CO J = 1-0, H13CN J = 1-0, H13CO+ J = 1-0, SiO J = 2-1, and CS J = 2-1 lines obtained from the Nobeyama Radio Observatory 45 m telescope, as well as CO J = 3-2 maps obtained from the James Clerk Maxwell telescope. We identified 11 expanding shells with total kinetic energy and typical expansion time E kin ∼ 1051.9 erg and t exp ∼ 104.9 yr, respectively. In addition, the l = +1.3 region exhibited high SiO J = 2-1/H13CN J = 1-0 and SiO J = 2-1/H13CO+ J = 1-0 intensity ratios, indicating that the region has experienced dissociative shocks in the past. These new findings confirm the molecular superbubble hypothesis for the l = +1.3 region. The nature of the embedded star cluster, which may have supplied 20-70 supernova explosions within 105 yr, is discussed. This work also shows the importance of compact broad-velocity-width features in searching for localized energy sources hidden behind severe interstellar extinction and stellar contamination.

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KOARA(リポジトリ)収録論文等 【 表示 / 非表示

総説・解説等 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 銀河系中心のもう一つのブラックホール

    岡 朋治

    パリティ (丸善出版株式会社)  32 ( 1 ) 58 - 60 2016年12月

    記事・総説・解説・論説等(商業誌、新聞、ウェブメディア), 単著

  • 銀河系内の中性炭素原子

    岡 朋治

    天文月報 99 ( 4 ) 190 - 196 2006年03月

    記事・総説・解説・論説等(学術雑誌), 単著

  • 超新星残骸と相互作用する星間分子雲

    岡 朋治、瀬田益道

    原子核研究「超高エネルギー天体 (I)」 42 ( 5 ) 141 - 148 1998年


  • 銀河系中心領域の星間分子雲 ―その微細構造と物理状態―

    岡 朋治

    天文月報 88 ( 12 ) 506 - 511 1995年11月


研究発表 【 表示 / 非表示

  • ブラックホールとは何か

    岡 朋治

    10MTV オピニオン「大人のための教養講座」, 


    メディア報道等, イマジニア株式会社

  • 銀河系中心で発見された高速度雲の起源

    岡 朋治

    ブラックホール地平面勉強会 <銀河系中心とJASMINE> (慶應義塾大学日吉キャンパス) , 



  • ALMAによる小型高速度コンパクト雲の詳細観測

    竹川俊也, 岡 朋治, 岩田悠平, 辻本志保, 野村真理子

    日本天文学会2018年秋季年会 (千葉大学) , 



  • 高速度コンパクト雲CO 0.02-0.02の3 mm帯ラインサーベイ観測

    岩田悠平, 岡 朋治, Justin A. Roll, 辻本志保, 竹川俊也

    日本天文学会2018年秋季年会 (千葉大学) , 



  • 高速度コンパクト雲 CO–0.40–0.22 中に発見された点状電波源の観測的研究

    岩田悠平, 岡 朋治, 杉本知穂, 竹川俊也, 田邊恭介, 三好真

    日本天文学会2018年春季年会 (千葉大学) , 



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競争的研究費の研究課題 【 表示 / 非表示

  • サブミリ波観測に基づく銀河系内ミッシング・ブラックホールの探査


    文部科学省・日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 岡 朋治, 基盤研究(A), 補助金,  研究代表者

  • 分子スペクトル線観測に基づく銀河系中心部における中質量ブラックホールの探査


    文部科学省・日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 岡 朋治, 基盤研究(B), 補助金,  研究代表者


担当授業科目 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 物理学セミナー第1


  • 物理学実験第2


  • 物理学実験第1


  • 論文講読発表


  • 理工学基礎実験


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社会活動 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 国立天文台電波専門員会 NROワーキング・グループ

  • 国立天文台電波専門委員会

  • 日本学術会議 電気電子工学委員URSI分科会 電波天文学小委員会

  • 国立天文台電波専門員会 ALMA小委員会

  • 国立天文台電波専門員会 電波天文周波数小委員会


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所属学協会 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 日本天文学会, 

  • International Astronomical Union


委員歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2012年07月

    委員, 国立天文台電波専門委員会

  • 2009年06月

    委員, 日本学術会議 電気電子工学委員URSI分科会 電波天文学小委員会

  • 2008年12月

    委員, 国立天文台電波専門員会 ALMA小委員会

  • 2006年08月

    委員, 国立天文台電波専門員会 電波天文周波数小委員会

  • 2005年04月

    委員, 国立天文台 年会プログラム編成小委員会