Faculty of Policy Management Faculty of Policy Management (Shonan Fujisawa)
Professor (Professor)
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Shirai, Sayuri
Professor, Faculty of Policy Management (see official homepage URL: http://www.sayurishirai.jp/ for detail and latest activities).
Other Occupations: Visiting Fellow and Advisor for Sustainable Policies at the Asian Developent Bank Insitute, Adivor to Nomura Sustanability Reserach Centre and Nissin Oillio Group. Advisor to Minster of Finance, Zambia (2019), Bank of Japan Board Member (2011-2016), Visiting Professor to Science Po (2007-2008), International Monetary Fund (IMF) Economist
Final Degree: Ph.D. Economics, Columbia University
Areas of Specialization: Monetary Policy, ESG Finance, Green Monetary Policy anda Financial Regulation, International Finance, Monetary Policy, Japanese and global Economy,
Book Publications: SDGs Finance (2022, Nikkei BP, in Japanese), Global Trends Related to Carbon Neutrality : Policy, Money, and Civil Society (2022, Bunshindo, in Japanese). Also many publications in English.
Message to students: Whenever you face questions in the learning process, try to be patient in finding the solutions. Even if you may not find the solutions immediately, it is important to keep learning and deepen your knowledage.
Prof. Shirai frequently appears on Bloomberg, CNBC, and other overseas TV or radio programs and Japanese media as a commentator on Japanese economy, monetary policies, and global economic issues. She writes op-ed articles for the Japan Times and central banking (www.centralbanking.com). Shirai gives speeches and panel presentations in many international conferences and is engaged in active discussions with many policy makers and central banks.
Please see personal homepage URL http://sss.sayurishirai.jp for details. Prof. Shirai is is currently a professor of Keio University. She also served as a senior advisor to EOS at Federated Hermes located in UK. She is also a non-executive board member of a Japanese listed food company until 2022. She holds Ph.D. in Economics from Columbia University. She was also visiting scholar to Asian Development Bank Institute in 2016-2020. She was a Member of the Policy Board of the Bank of Japan (BOJ) in 2011-2016, who is responsible for making monetary policy decisions. She taught at Sciences Po in Paris in 2007–2008 and was an economist at the IMF in 1993-1998. She is the author of numerous books and papers on a variety of subjects including central bank digital currency (CBDC), monetary policy, and global finance. She frequently comments on Japan’s economy and monetary policy at various international and domestic media sources. She is a contributing writer to Japan Times and London-based centralbanking.com. She also provides professional comments to Nikkei Newspaper Digital various news articles as Think! expert.
Keio University Professor, Faculty of Policy Management, Professor
Non-Executive Board Director (Food Industry)
Senior Advisor to EOS at Federated Hermes
ADB Institute Visiting Scholar
Advisor to the Minister of Finance, Republic of Zambia
Keio University, Graduate School, Division of Economics
Graduate School, Completed, Master's course
Other, Graduate School, Division of Economics
United States, Graduate School, Completed, Doctoral course
Humanities & Social Sciences / Economic policy (International Finance Monetary Policy Macroeconomic policy)
Growing Central Bank Challenges in the World and Japan
Sayuri Shirai, Asian Development Bank Institute, 2020.06
Textbook about Money in the Cryptocurrency Era
Sayuri Shirai, Shogakukan, 2019.04, Page: 253
Central Bank Digital Currency and Fintech in Asia
Marlene Amstad, Bihong Huang, Peter J. Morgan and Sayuri Shirai, Asian Development Bank Institute, 2019.01
Mission Incomplete: Reflating Japan's Economy
Sayuri Shirai, Asian Development Bank Institute, 2018.05
東京五輪後の日本経済 : 元日銀審議委員だから言える
SHIRAI Sayuri, 東京 : 小学館,, 2017.09
Overview of the Bank of Japan's Unconventiona Monetary Easing during the Period 2013-2018
Sayuri Shirai
International Journal of Economic Policy Studies 2019.06
Research paper (scientific journal), Accepted
金融財政事情 2019.05
Cross-Border Portfolio Investment and Financial Markets Development in the Asia and Pacific Region
Sayuri Shirai and Eric Alexander Sugandi
International Business Researcb 12 ( 5 ) 14 - 33 2019.04
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted
(勁草書房) 2019.01
Research paper (other academic), Single Work
About 10 Years After the Global Financial Crisis: What Have We Learnt from Unconventional Monetary Policies
Sayuri Shirai
Research paper (other academic)
Shirai, Sayuri
学事振興資金研究成果実績報告書 (慶應義塾大学) 2018
Shirai, Sayuri
リサーチメモ (慶應義塾大学湘南藤沢学会) 2009
Evaluating the present state of Japan as an international financial center
Shirai, Sayuri
リサーチメモ (慶應義塾大学湘南藤沢学会) 2009
Shirai, Sayuri
Policy and governance working paper series (慶應義塾大学大学院政策・メディア研究科) ( 129 ) 2007
ISSN 13488317
Will Facebook’s Libra scramble the regulatory calculus for crypto assets?
Sayuri Shirai
Asian Pathways 2019.08
Single Work
日本経済新聞 経済教室 2019.08
Single Work
Do Stable Coins Like Libra Differ from Other Crypto Assets?
Sayuri Shirai
Central Banking 2019.07
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media), Single Work
Can MMT be Japan's Savior?
Sayuri SHirai
Japan TImes 2019.07
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media), Single Work
経済財政ビジネス (時事通信) 2019.06
Bank of Japan's Unconventional Monetary Easing and Challenges
sayuri Shirai
Hong Kong Monetary Authority and Reserve Bank of New York (Hong Kong) ,
Oral presentation (keynote)
Role of External Board Directors and Corporate Governance
Sayuri Shirai
board Diversity Investor Initiative in Hong Kong Semi-annual Meeting,
Oral presentation (invited, special)
Monetary Easing, SME Finance and Fintech Development
Sayuri Shirai
Central Bank of Turkey Seminar on Innovative Finance for Growth – The Role of Credit Guarantee Funds,
Oral presentation (keynote)
the Central Bank of Turkey Seminar on Innovative Finance for Growth – The Role of Credit Guarantee Funds “Monetary Easing, SME Finance and Fintech Development”
Sayuri Shirai
Central Bank of Turkey Internmatioanl Confere nce,
Oral presentation (keynote)
Oral presentation (invited, special)
Japan's CPI and Japan-US Summit
Sayuri Shirai
Bloomberg Live TV Interview,
Other, Single
Other, Single
Other, Single
Sayuri Shirai
Other, Single
The Land of Rising Green Bonds
Sayuri Shirai
Environmental Finance Journal Interview,
Other, Single